Let's Talk

Imagine being free
from alcohol... 

Your life could be so much better!

Let me guide you on your transformational journey to control alcohol & discover a
life you love! 
🧡 Love, Coach Ruby

I'm Ready to Get Started!

Live a Life You Love!

Be There with Family & Friends

Feel Lit Alcohol Free!

What is alcohol costing you?

In a society where drinking alcohol is deeply ingrained, it is not surprising to see so many people convinced that they need alcohol in order to express their happiness, delight, sadness, frustration and
even hatred.

But guess what? You don't need alcohol. 

Let that sink in...

... and hear from me every week
inside my newsletter!

I'm Ready to Get Started!

Let's work together and here's what you will experience... 

Feel Clear Free fromr Alcohol

I can see you now... with so much mental clarity that
you discover true peace.

Imagine going all in... leveling up and
feeling better
every day.

There may be a way to make alcohol
in your life.

Alcohol Freedom Coaching - Vibrant

You will experience genuine belly laughs again!

Picture this, you jump out of bed and greet the day
with a smile.

Be that mom & grandma that radiates happiness
and plays with
the kids!

I'm Ready to Get Started!

Come join me on the journey to self-discovery & let’s help you become

I know what it’s like to struggle with an alcohol addiction. 

To feel like you just can’t get through another minute
without a drink.

But I found a new way. I discovered a unique, Feel Lit Method that not only helped me stop my unhealthy and toxic habit
of drinking, but also helped me become the
best person I can be.

Featured in...

Kind words

I would totally recommend you as a coach. ..

I would totally recommend you as a coach. You have so much knowledge...You are always so positive and you are also very
professional. You are very organized & keep good notes about
our sessions. I love your sobriety story. It is so inspiring to me.
I want what you have. I have taken all that I have learned
from you and I have shared it with my friends that are
trying to get sober and they have all said it helps
them so much. And that fulfills me. I have loved
working with you...

- Pam W.

I could not imagine making it through a day
much less a year...

One year ago people kept telling me how amazing life could be without wine. I could not imagine making it through a day much less a year. The first month was tough but with your support and the information I started to really question:
Could it be true? I have to say ABSOLUTELY YES!!!!
It’s not what I gave up it’s truly what I gained!

I have mended my relationship with my son and forgiven myself. I no longer take anything for my anxiety. I wake up
early each morning to capture the sunrise. Sure I still
have bad days but I know these are ok. I sit with
the emotions and move on.

I can truly say I have found joy and happiness I never thought possible! I cannot wait to see what the next year brings!
Thank you again. I would tell anyone questioning if this
can work for them to get curious and give it a try.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

~ Sandy R.

"...will absolutely set you free and bring more joy, love and peace into your life than you can imagine."

This work and Coach Ruby's individualized coaching/guidance will absolutely set you free and bring more joy, love and peace into your life than you can imagine. No matter what you're facing or trying to work out Coach Ruby will take you to
places you simply can't go on your own. This is how
you learn to let go, trust and truly start living. 

- Anne S.



Note: Photos have been changed to protect
the privacy of clients. 

My FeelLit Method will help you overcome your dependence on alcohol...

... even if you've tried it ALL before!

Choose your preferred method of working together and let's get started...

1 on 1 Coaching with Ruby 

The best way to reach your goal of becoming alcohol free. Work with me directly each week, we'll tackle your biggest challenges & let's create a life you love!

Apply & Schedule Here

Take a Test Drive

Not sure if you're ready to go completely alcohol-free? How about we do a quick test-drive instead? Join me for an alcohol- or wine-free weekend. Dip your toe in and see how you feel...

Start Now!

90-Day Feel Lit Alcohol Free Program

Let's work together for 90 days to build your life without alcohol. Each day you'll get a short assignment. Then we'll talk about it during our weekly group coaching calls. 

*Next group starts October 1st!

About Coach Ruby... 

I worked in the wine/alcohol industry for 19 years, selling, marketing, and reporting wine. I considered myself to be a “normal” drinker but I now realize I was becoming reliant on wine to relieve stress as a single mom and I used alcohol to push down negative emotions.

My entire identity was tied to wine: job, friends, family, and social life. How could I stop? 

Every time I tried to stop drinking wine, I could not do it – I felt completely weak against alcohol. 

I finally had a complete mind shift and I was shown a different way to think about alcohol (mind-blowing concepts) and this gave me hope that I could beat this obsession and stop drinking for good.

By committing to not drinking alcohol, I was open and able to also overcome my food addiction and I have lost the weight.

My mission is to help as many people as I can to overcome their alcohol abuse disorder and live a life free from alcohol.  


Can I help you too? 


I'm Ready to Get Started!

Trust Yourself Again

Get to know yourself again... and trust you will make the right choices. 

You'll discover techniques to overcome cravings & urges... and make alcohol unimportant again!

Work at Your Own Pace 

There's no rush!

You can work at your own pace. 

And you don't have to go Cold Turkey! I'll show you a new way!

More Joy Than Ever Before!

What if your life was more fun... 
... with more joy than you ever felt with alcohol? 

Let's create that life for you together!

Your Amazing New Life... 

Imagine for a moment what an alcohol-free life could look like. 

🧡 A life where you:

Spend more quality time with loved ones, 

Wake up refreshed instead of foggy,

Have more joy than ever before, 

Sleep well every night, 

Have mental clarity,

Trust yourself again,

And so much more!


I want this amazing life for you!


I'm Ready to Get Started!

Listen in to the

Feel Lit Alcohol Free Podcast


Download Your Free Guide 

4 Simple Steps to a Wine Free Weekend! 

Drink Less this Weekend!